Maintaining correct postural hygiene in the workplace is very important to prevent and avoid the rapid advance of numerous musculoskeletal pathologies, such as low back pain, herniated discs, scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis, cervical pain, muscle contractures or sciatica.
These musculoskeletal disorders, suffered at some point in their working lives by at least 65 percent of workers, have their highest incidence in the lower thoracic region, with 40 percent of all injuries. Behind it are the neck and shoulders (37%), the lower limbs (32%), the upper dorsal region (27%) and the upper limbs (20%).
Studies show that despite the fact that a significant number of office workers start their working day with the correct posture at their workplace, within two hours, the vast majority have adopted an incorrect posture.
The reasons for this change may be the following:
-The inadequate ergonomics of your workplace that forces you to adopt a harmful posture
-A deficient or non-existent postural education so that the employee is aware of the postural habits that are harmful and thus try to avoid them
- Stress and workload strain the mind while the body tends to neglect posture, favoring contractures in some muscle groups and distension in others.